
来源 : 学历在线网 2019-12-10 16:53:03





  报告题目1:Curricular and Educational Innovation in Veterinary Medical Education;

  报告人:Dr. Trevor Ames, Dean, University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine

  美国明尼苏达大学动物医学院院长Trevor Ames教授

  Awards & Recognition

  College of Veterinary Medicine Graduate Student Teaching Incentive Award

  College of Veterinary Medicine Senior Student Teaching Incentive Award

  College of Veterinary Medicine Outstanding Faculty Award presented by College Civil Service Employees

  Research Summary/Interests

  Infectious diseases of horses and cattle Bovine respiratory disease complex Equine and bovine vaccines

  报告题目2: Infectious Disease Research

  报告人: Dr. Harry Dickerson, Associate Dean for Research, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine

  美国佐治亚大学动物医学院副院长Harry Dickerson教授

  Research Summary/Interests

  Dr. Dickerson studies the immune response of bony fishes (teleosts) to the common protozoan parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. This virulent ciliate is well known among aquaculturists as the etiological agent of “white spot”, a disease that afflicts a wide range of freshwater fishes. While I. multifiliis is highly pathogenic, animals exposed to controlled infections develop a strong acquired resistance to the parasite. I. multifiliis and channel catfish provide a good host-parasite experimental system for research on the mechanisms of mucosal immunity. Ichthyophthirius is confined to the epidermal layers of the skin and gills, and therefore can be visualized by light microscopy from the time it invades the host until the time it exits. It provides a unique system for the in vivo study of host-parasite interactions. Studies in the Dickerson laboratory suggest that acquired protection of the host following exposure to the parasite involves a novel mechanism of humoral immunity affecting parasite behavior. Rather than being killed, parasites are forced to exit fish prematurely in response to antibody binding. The target antigens involved in this response are a class of highly abundant glycosylphosphatidly-inositol (GPI)-anchored coat proteins referred to as immobilization antigens (i-antigens). Antibodies against surface i-antigens have been used to serotype isolates of the parasite, which in turn has contributed to new knowledge regarding the epizootiology of disease outbreaks and virulence between and among isolates. Dr. Dickerson’s laboratory utilizes molecular genetic and biological approaches to study the expression and function of genes relevant to infection and immunity of I. multifiliis. His laboratory also investigates the mechanisms of teleost B cell induction and antibody production at mucosal surfaces. His laboratory has been funded since 1987 through grants from the USDA National Research Competitive Grants Program, NIH, NSF, and private contracts.

  报告题目3:Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine;

  报告人:Dr. Patrick Gorden, Director, Food Supply Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine

  美国爱荷华州立大学动物医学院Food Supply Veterinary Medicine主任,Patrick Gorden教授

  Research Summary/Interests

  Milk quality, mastitis control, drug residue prevention in milk and meat



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