国家重点实验室学术报告---德国科隆大学Gunther Döhlemann教授
报告人:Prof. Dr. Gunther Döhlemann, University of Cologne, Germany
报告题目:Modulation of host immunity in biotic interactions of maize
报告时间:2019年6月24日(周一)10:00 -11:00 AM
Gunther Döhlemann教授,2006年凯撒斯劳滕工业大学(Technische Universität Kaiserslautern)博士毕业;2006-2008年在马普陆地微生物研究所开展博士后研究,2009-2011年在同所任Group Leader,2011-2014年在同所任Research Group Leader (独立PI);2014年至今在科隆大学植物研究所(Botanical Institute, CEPLAS)任职Full Professor。Gunther Döhlemann教授现担任科隆大学植物研究所执行主任,并承担多种社会兼职,包括中国农科院特聘教授和国际导师等。主要研究方向为真菌-植物分子互作、玉米真菌病原菌致病机制等,在病原菌-植物互作方面取得了骄人的研究成果,是国际上为数不多的瘤黑粉菌研究领域顶级专家之一。近年来在本领域知名刊物,包括顶级期刊Science、Nature Communications、Nature Plants、Plant Cell、PLoS Pathogens上发表研究论文50余篇。
1) Misas VillamilJ, Mueller A, Demir F, Meyer U, Ökmen B, Schulze Hüynck J, Breuer M, Dauben H, Win J, Huesgen P, Doehlemann G. (2019)A fungal substrate mimicking molecule suppresses plant immunity via an inter-kingdom conserved motif. Nature Communications 10 (1):1576.
2) Ziemann S, van der Linde K, Lahrmann U, Acar B, Kaschani F, Colby T, Kaiser M, Ding Y, Schmelz EA, Huffaker A, Holton N, Zipfel C, Doehlemann G. (2018) An apoplastic peptide activates salicylic acid signalling in maize. Nature Plants 4(3): 172-180
3) Matei A, Ernst C, Günl M, Thiele B, Altmüller J, Walbot V, Usadel B, Doehlemann G. (2018) How to make a tumour: cell type specific dissection of Ustilago maydis-induced tumour development in maize leaves. New Phytologist 217(4):1681-1695
4) Redkar A, Hoser R, Schilling L, Zechmann B, Krzymowska M, Walbot V, Doehlemann G. (2015) A Secreted effector protein of Ustilago maydis guides maize leaf cells to form tumors. Plant Cell 27(4):1332-51
5) Mueller AN, Ziemann S, Treitschke S, Aßmann D, Doehlemann G. (2013) Compatibility in the Ustilago maydis – maize interaction requires inhibition of host cysteine proteases by the fungal effector Pit2. PloS Pathogens 9(2): e1003177
6) van der Linde K, Hemetsberger C, Kastner C, Kaschani F, van der Hoorn RAL, Kumlehn J, Doehlemann G. (2012) A maize cystatin suppresses host immunity by inhibition of apoplastic cysteine proteases. Plant Cell24: 1285-1300
7) Hemetsberger C, Herrberger C, Zechmann B, Hillmer M, Doehlemann G. (2012) The Ustilago maydis effector Pep1 suppresses plant immunity by inhibition of host peroxidase activity. PloS Pathogens 8(5): e1002684
8) Skibbe D*, Doehlemann G*, Fernandes J, Walbot V. (2010) Maize tumors caused by Ustilago maydis require organ-specific genes in host and pathogen. Science 328: 89-92. *contributed equally
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